Contribute To The Kenny McKinley Trust Fund

The tragic news that broke on September 20, 2010 that Denver Broncos wide out Kenny McKinley took his own life brought sorrow to those who knew him closely and the football world in general. Bobby Deren author of Draft Season: Four Months On The Clock became a close friend to Kenny McKinley who was one of four players Deren followed through the 2009 NFL Draft. Deren chronicled McKinley’s story in addition to the stories of Morgan Trent, Frantz Joseph and Lydon Murtha, who were also featured in DRAFT SEASON: Four months on the clock. In light of recent events, author Bobby Deren will donate all future profits from his book, DRAFT SEASON: Four months on the clock, to the Kenny McKinley Trust Fund. The trust fund was established by the NFLPA to benefit Keon McKinley, the 1-year old son of the late Kenny McKinley. Besides Deren work on

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