Draft Buzz: NT Troup A Scarce Commodity

Torell Troup, who is currently in Atlanta for a private visit with the general manager of the Falcons, Thomas Dimitroff, did not major in economics. However, the former Central Florida Knight will reap the benefits of one of the most fundamental concepts a freshman learns in ECO 101.

It’s difficult for teams not to take “the best player on the board” when they make their selections, but sometimes the laws of supply and demand dictate that they do. This happens most frequently with quarterbacks—they’re the hot toys before Christmas (think Cabbage Patch Dolls, Tickle Me Elmo or the latest iProduct). This causes teams to reach.

Expect the same to happen this year with nose tackles, as nearly half the league is set to employ a 3-4 defense. Teams like the Buffalo Bills are in year one of their transition and simply don’t have the personnel, while a club like the New

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