NCAA Rules on Dwight Dasher; 4 Games/Repayment

Middle Tennessee State University football student-athlete Dwight Dasher must miss four games and repay $1500 in benefits as a condition of becoming eligible to play again, according to a decision today by the NCAA student-athlete reinstatement staff.

The university declared the student-athlete ineligible for violations of NCAA preferential treatment rules. According to the facts of the case submitted by Middle Tennessee, the student-athlete received an impermissible loan from an individual in the community. Based on the information provided by the university, the student-athlete has repaid the loan.

During the reinstatement process, the NCAA staff reviews each case on its own merits based on the specific facts. Staff decisions are made based on a number of factors including guidelines established by the Division I Committee on Student-Athlete Reinstatement, the student-athlete’s responsibility for the violation, as well as any mitigating factors presented by the university.

The four-game

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