NFL: Billboard 100 | Owners vs Players

NFL Draft Bible Insider Bo Marchionte is a proud member of the Pro Football Writers Association of America.

Owners might look back and say Didn’t We Almost Have It All? Because although it’s been only weeks since players have been Locked Out, with owners telling them to Beat It. It seems like Five Years, so come on, Let’s Work Together, Under Pressure…like Dolly Parton, 9 to 5 to solve this labor issue.

Are both sides Out of Touch fighting over billions, because I Wanna Be A Billioniare also. But there’s just way too much Jive Talkin’ and Bad Blood lately for my liking. I can hear the echoes in my head of The Captain and Tennille saying Love Will Keep Us Together. Not in this case.

Hey Ya! Pick Up the Pieces and be Together Again. It’s Now or Never, there has been too much (Hey

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