Q&A: Joe Paterno, Penn State (Week 5)

Q.  Joe, why has Iowa been so successful, especially lately?  And are there similarities between the way you run your program and Kirk runs his?

COACH PATERNO: Well, I don’t know about the similarities.  I can tell you, Iowa has been a good, solid football team that’s played extremely well against us.  And I think Kirk’s done a great job.  They’re recruiting well.

He’s been able to keep his coaching staff together.  That defensive coordinator (Norm Parker) does a great job for them.  He’s been with them a long time.  And I think when he (Kirk Ferentz) plays Penn State there’s a little bit something there because he is a Pennsylvania kid and his father‑in‑law and I were high school teammates together Gerry Hart.

But, they just do a good job.  They recruit well.  Their kids play hard.  They’re disciplined.  You’ve got to beat them. 

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