Q&A: Rich Rodriguez, Michigan (Week 5)

Q.  Did you see Denard yesterday and what was his condition?

COACH RODRIGUEZ: Talked with the trainers.  He clearly has a bruise on his knee.  Limited him today.  Hopefully he’ll be able to do practice tomorrow.

We don’t do much on Mondays anyway.  He’s been getting treatments to help with the bruise.  Just take a couple days.  But hopefully he’ll be able to do everything tomorrow.  We’ll wait and see.

Q.  You expect him to play?


Q.  Not a game‑time decision or anything?


Q.  Any other injured guys?

COACH RODRIGUEZ: Fitz Toussaint did something to his shoulder.  We’re still trying to figure that out.  Going to do some tests on that.  He was only in for a couple of carries.  I don’t know if he landed on it funny.

We’re hoping

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