Q&A: Sean Paddock, Northwest Missouri State

What are your official height, weight and recent 40 time?

From Northwest Missouri State’s pro day: Height: 6′ 1 1/2″, weight: 256.8 pounds, 40: 4.77 seconds.

What do you consider to be your biggest strength?

Play recognition and my ability to shed blockers.

What part of your game have you worked on improving?

Footwork and quickness.

Where have you been training? How often do you workout to stay in shape?

Maryville, Missouri with NWMSU strength coach Joe Quinlin and at an Athletic Repulic facility. I train four days a week, twice a day for three of those days.

Who is the toughest opponent/teammate you have faced, and how did you fare?

Tony Washington, left tackle from Abilene Christian. I played him four times.  He caught me on a few plays each game but otherwise I convincingly won the match-up.


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