Two-Minute Drill: Tyrone Wheatley, Syracuse

Excerpt from College Football Insiders Radio interview with Syracuse Running Back Coach Tyrone Wheatley.

What is your favorite Michigan tradition?

Clam chowder and filet mignon.

Sounds pretty good, was that your tradition?

It was there before I got there…it was Michigan’s tradition.  We had it every week; no matter where we were, we had it every week.

Wow. I thought I knew a lot about Michigan football, but I never heard that before. What’s bigger – winning the Rose Bowl or beating Ohio State?

Ah, well, winning the Rose Bowl because you have to beat Ohio State to get there, so winning the Rose Bowl (laughs).

Good answer, coach. Who is the better Morris – Jamie from Michigan or Joe from Syracuse?

I would say…Joe played for the Giants, Jamie played for Michigan.

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