Update: Full Medical Report On Da’Quan Bowers

Following the numerous reports about the results of Da’Quan Bowers medical re-check last weekend being reported on the Internet and multiple other outlets, including the NFL Network and ESPN.  We contacted his agents at BTI Sports directly with the hopes of receiving an update on Bowers from the source.  Here is an exclusive response on Bowers medical update and how NFL teams are responding to this agents following his re-check in Indianapolis.

While we (BTI Sports) generally reserve discussions on client medical information to club decision-makers and physicians, in the interest of clarity, we would like to share the following facts regarding Da’Quan Bowers.

Importantly, NONE of the following is news to NFL decision-makers or team doctors. All 32 NFL Clubs have had full access to Da’Quan’s records since January and have had the opportunity to physically examine him at least twice. As such, they have

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